Sunday, September 21, 2014

This Week at Spindlewood

This week we began sewing our watercolor paintings into pockets to hold our beeswax crayon drawings. When there are 10 drawings, we ...will make a book to take home.
During Imaginative Play one morning, the children set up and enacted two plays. In one, the sunbeam fairy woke up Mother Earth who watered her garden, and a girl came along to pick flowers, while a bunny searched for an autumn meal. Then, a rascal gnome guided a donkey back to the girl & boy who had lost it.

The children also constructed a four-room house from play stands and cloths. I overheard their discussions of which room was to be the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, and what about a hallway?!

Also in the course of play, a “neighbor” was given a cup of tea to warm up from a cold morning, and knights with their steady steads toured the land, so that all will be well.

In the garden, we harvested golden corn with Miss Susan and cooked it up to eat with our golden grain. The sheep now wait for us by the pasture gate, expecting their apple delivery. And we collected two eggs from the hens that we raised as from chicks last spring.

We brought nets from the barn and caught frogs large and small, releasing them into a large bucket with water filled from small pails. where they “happily” float until it was time to go back into the pond.

Blinken was well cared for on our woods walk. He was tucked under his blanket, brought food, and had his house tidied up, while some children climbed small trees and balanced along a big fallen one.
In the afternoon, during lunch, we have shared stories about sleep & dreams, our rooms, and our pet's names. The adventures of Tiptoes & Jeremy Mouse are recalled from the previous day, and the next chapter read before settling down to a rest.

Yours Truly,
“Miss” Elisa

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