Dear Parents,
Thanks to all of the parents who were able to reschedule your lives to attend our postponed Parent Evening yesterday evening! And thanks also to all the others who let me know that you were unable to be here.
What a warm and enjoyable evening with you! One parent asked if I could send around a few notes to summarize some of our topics for those who were tending the home fires that night. So here are a few:
We began by introducing ourselves and what our children's names meant to us. (Sometimes in the birthday story that I tell in the kindergarten, the Guiding Angel tells the Star Child that when she comes to the earth, she will have a name; and that whenever she hears that name she will feel strong.)
Miss Elisa and I traveled to New York in February for the annual WECAN conference (Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America). It is always inspiring to share meals and sing with some 300 Waldorf teachers. A few highlights from the keynote address by Susan Weber, founder of Sophia's Hearth in Keene, NH and a former mentor of mine:
Rudolf Steiner speaks of the new capacities that are beginning to ripen in human souls at this time.
We are beginning to see these in the children:
· The ability to feel the pain of others
· Freedom of thought
· Recognition of spirit working in the world
So what is it that the children need now?
· To re-connect with the world of the archetypes
· To experience uprightness in adults
o We can enhance this by truly listening to a child, and by holding him in our thoughts without using so many words.
· To experience clarity of form in the physical environment (This engenders clarity of thought in the developing child.)
In the kindergarten, we work with these indications by encouraging self-directed imaginative play, nourishing the children with fairytales and authentic experiences, and by engaging in mindful, purposeful work in their presence. Miss Elisa and I shared anecdotes from recent days in the kindergarten.
A show of the children’s watercolor paintings is on exhibit at the Lincolnville Farmers’ Market (at the corner of Heal and Main Street) this month. The market is open Wed. 2-5pm and Sat. 9 – noon.
Re-enrollments are now due for next year. Forms are available in the basket in the mudroom. You can reserve your child’s place before March 15 at a discounted deposit of $200. After March 15, the usual deposit of $330 is required.
Parent-Teacher Conversations are scheduled for this Thursday unless you have scheduled an alternate time. I’m looking forward to meeting with you.
Spindlewood (along with the other independent school of the mid-coast) will have an Open House on Saturday, March 31 from 10am – 1pm.
A new state law requires unvaccinated children to be excluded from school when there is an outbreak of a particular illness in the school. Thank you for keeping me informed about your family’s illnesses and exposures.
Social Game
In the spirit of the social art of speaking and listening, we opened the topic of conversation around the question “How do we navigate the normal illnesses and challenges of childhood?” As each person spoke, a ball of yarn was tossed to him or her, and we watched a web of yarn grow among us. At the end, we rewound the ball of yarn as each person recalled the spoken contribution of the person who spoke before previously.
I feel so enriched by all of your participation,
With gratitude,